指導老師 招名威
研究室名稱 Moleculer and Cellular Toxicology lab
研究方向 Dr. Chao earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Department of Agricultural Chemistry at National Taiwan University, in 2002. In 2009, he received his PhD from Dr. Marion Gordon’s lab at the Joint Graduate Program of Toxicology, Rutgers University. He was a postdoctoral associate in Wogan lab of MIT, Biological Engineering department since October 2009 to July 2012. Right after he finished the postdoc, he joined the research group in department of BioScience Technology at CYCU as an assistant professor.
Dr. Chao was appointed as a scientist with the necessary background in food toxicology, molecular biology and genetics that also demonstrated interests in applying research to important human health problems. In his PhD thesis research he sought to identify possible mechanisms through which nanoparticles in diesel exhaust penetrate into the lumen of capillaries and activate the generation of atherogenesis. His findings identified the mechanisms underlying increased re-distribution of adherent junctional proteins and secretion of endothelial cytokines caused by acute diesel exhaust exposure, which represent significant potential risk factors for cardiovascular disorders. The specific project on which Dr. Chao has accomplished in MIT was working concern genetic and cellular damage caused by exposure to monocyclic aromatic amines, namely anilines and their metabolites. Although aromatic amines are well-documented risk factors for bladder cancer, little is known about the genotoxicity and potential carcinogenic risk created by the exposure. Dr. Chao was investigating mechanisms responsible for the induction of cytotoxicity and GPT/APRT mutagenicity in nuclear excision repair (NER) deficient CHO cells. To date he has extensively characterized DNA damage, mutagenesis, and the production of ROS in this system. His pre-doctoral and postdoctoral training and experience was in an outstanding laboratory, in which he employed experimental approaches of direct relevance to his current work.
研究成果 The main interest is working concern genetic and cellular damage caused by exposure to exogenous chemicals. Dr. Chao’s current research goal focuses respectively on studying the molecular mechanisms of fetal neural injury and repair, atherosclerosis, and designing strategies of agents for the prevention of human disorders.
Specific areas involve:
• Pathology: The disorders are regarding cardiovascular and pulmonary abnormality
• Toxicology: It can be itemized as neuron toxicology, genotoxicology, food & environmental toxicology
• Chemical Biology: It contains free radical biology, drug metabolism, food safety, nano-particle structure designation